7 Key Factors Contributing to the Rise of Prostate Cancer in Men

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#1 diet & lifestyle

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Poor dietary habits, eating red meat and fried foods. Lack of fruits and vegetables lead to risk of proatate cancer.

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#2 obesity

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Obesity is the most common cause of prostate cancer. High Obesity condition casuses harmonal changes and inflammation.

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#3 genetics

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Includes family with history of prostate cancer, and inherited genetics from parents and family.

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#4 aging process

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The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, and as the population ages, the incidence of prostate cancer also rises. 

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#5 lack of exercise

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Sedentary lifestyles and lack of regular exercise are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. 

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#6 ethnicity

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Prostate cancer incidence rates vary among different ethnic groups, with African American men having a higher risk compared to Caucasian men. 

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#7 hormonal changes

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Changes in hormone levels, particularly testosterone and other androgens, may influence prostate cancer development.