New medical studies have found that between 10% to 40% of adult males in U.S.A, are prone to be Testosterone deficient.


After the age of 30, the testosterone level in male starts to drop by 1% - 2% annually, which affect their health in several ways, including contributing to fatigue and low sex drive.


Healthy testosterone level in males contributes to many health benefits such as sexual functions, muscle mass, bone density, energy, mood regulation and cognitive ability.  Here are 6 ways to increase testosterone level.


The majority of the body's testosterone is produced during deep sleep. Healthy sleep schedule up to 8 hours, supports optimal teatosterone production and hormonal balance.


A healthy cardiovascular system improves blood flow, ensuring that hormones, including testosterone, can circulate efficiently throughout the body.


Lifting heavy weights, stimulates the production of testosterone and growth hormone. Compound exercises like Deadlift and Squats contributes most to boost this hormonal benefits.


High consumption of Alcohol leads to decreases in the production of testosterone and increased Estrogen level. Addtionally, excessive alcohol consumption has negative impact on quality of sleep.


Maintaining a healthy weight results in less body-fat percentage. A body with excessive fat, suppress testosterone production. Over-weight can be managed through balanced diet and regular exercise routine.


Cortisol, a hormone is released when a person has to handled too much stress. Due to which it reduces the process of Testosterone Synthesis. A person can overcome this through a proper stress management via counselling and therapy.
