In their research, scientists have found that people who regularly drink bottled water have a greater chance of ingesting microplastics over time through regular consumption.


These particles can be ingested by marine organisms, leading to      bioaccumulation in the food chain, which can make consumption of organic foods dangerous for humans.


Continuous usage of these water bottles made from variety of plastics can lead to the penetration of microplastics particles in the human body.


Large amount of Microplastics in body can cause inflammation and oxidative stress which can impact cellular functions of human body.


Harmful additives and pollutants found within microplastics poses serious health risks.


Microplastics might contribute to organ damage from longer time of usage, it also affects the vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system.


Microplastics have been found to interact with the immune system, which potentially leads to immune related disorders.


Microplastics has a great possibility of exhibiting endocrine-disrupting properties which raises concerns about hormonal imbalances in human body.


Prolonged exposure to microplastics is associated with reproductive concerns and fertility issues in Men and Women.


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