Tag: health

  • Body Miracle: Benefits After You Stop Eating Sugar For 14 Days

    Body Miracle: Benefits After You Stop Eating Sugar For 14 Days

    Imagine this: you wake up feeling energized, your skin glows, and your clothes suddenly feel a bit looser. All this after just two weeks? It might sound like a magical transformation, but for many people, it’s the reality after stopping eating sugar for 14 days. Sure, I was skeptical at first. Sugar – the secret…

  • 10 Secrets to Achieve Your Peak Fitness | Men’s Health

    10 Secrets to Achieve Your Peak Fitness | Men’s Health

    In the modern world, the vitality of men, regardless of age, is facing a silent crisis. Our predecessors epitomized strength and resilience, but today, the overall peak fitness levels in men are on a concerning decline. This decline isn’t just about looking good; it’s about ensuring a healthy, energetic and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, people often…

  • What Are Fresh Greens? | 9 Benefits of Eating Green Vegetables

    What Are Fresh Greens? | 9 Benefits of Eating Green Vegetables

    In an increasingly health-conscious world, were the attention is frequently on dietary choices that claim to have a significant impact on one’s life. The importance of Fresh greens in daily life have risen to the top in the dietary revolution. Green Vegetables not only provide you with delicious and crisp textures but also from their…

  • Obesity ICD 10: Causes, Effects And Effective Treatments for Weight Loss

    Obesity ICD 10: Causes, Effects And Effective Treatments for Weight Loss

    Understanding Obesity ICD 10 ICD-10, or the International Classification of Diseases (10th Revision). It is a coding system in medical field which is used globally to classify diseases and health conditions. In ICD-10, obesity is classified under the code E66, which falls under “Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases” (E00-E89). This code is specifically used for…

  • Unlock Your Body’s Potential by Improving Mobility| 10 Essential Tips & Excercises

    Unlock Your Body’s Potential by Improving Mobility| 10 Essential Tips & Excercises

    Mobility is a fundamental concept in the realm of physical fitness and over all health. It is the body’s ability to move freely and seamlessly through a complete range of motion at various joints and muscles. Unlike mere flexibility, which focuses on the elongation of muscles, mobility focuses on both flexibility and stability. This necessary…

  • 10 FAQ’s | The Role of Healthy Fats in Weight Management | Can Eating Fat Help You Lose Weight

    10 FAQ’s | The Role of Healthy Fats in Weight Management | Can Eating Fat Help You Lose Weight

    In the ever-evolving world of diet and nutrition, one topic has garnered significant attention – fats. For decades, fats were villainized as the culprits behind the weight gain and various health issues. However recent studies have unveiled a more distinct perspective on fats, particularly healthy fats and identify the role they play in weight management….

  • Why Digestion Matters: Brown Rice Compare to White Rice | Which Rice to choose in 2024

    Why Digestion Matters: Brown Rice Compare to White Rice | Which Rice to choose in 2024

    Rice is a fundamental and widely consumed staple food that holds a significant place all across the globe. This versatile grain is a rich source of carbohydrates which provide energy needed for daily activities. Rice comes in various types each distinguished by its texture, flavor and culinary applications. White rice, the most common type is…

  • 10 Asanas To Practise Daily | The Reprieve We All Need Right Now

    10 Asanas To Practise Daily | The Reprieve We All Need Right Now

    Why To Practise Asanas Daily Practicing asanas (yoga poses) daily enhances flexibility, strength and balance. It helps to improve posture and reduces the risk of injuries. Asanas also relaxes your mind and makes you less stressed. It also helps you to concentrate better. This makes your body and mind feel better overall. 10 Yoga Asanas…