How To Steam Broccoli On Stove? Explained In 5 Simple Steps

Whether you are a fitness geek like me or a new nerd looking for dieting advice. I am sure that you have searched throughout the internet, looking for authentic information about how to steam broccoli on stove. Isn’t it?

Broccoli is known as the KING of all vegetables. It has been a staple food choice for many fitness enthusiasts for a long period of time. It is rich in healthy fiber, making it the best vegetable for any fitness program.

Though there are various methods to cook broccoli. Steaming broccoli is considered as one of the fastest and effective method for meal prep.

From this article you, will learn how to steam broccoli on stove in 5 simple steps. A method that I personally use every day to make my meals. Learning this method will surely help you not to skip your veggies from your meal.

how to steam broccoli on stove

To get started, you’ll need just a few simple things.

1️⃣ Fresh broccoli florets – I recommend to cut your own broccoli florets bought from supermarket ensuring freshness.

2️⃣ A standard size Pot that has a tight-fitting lid.

3️⃣ A Steamer basket or Colander is necessary. If you’re using a colander, make sure it fits inside the pot without touching the bottom.

4️⃣ Fresh Water.

5️⃣ Salt, pepper, or lemon juice on hand for seasoning after steaming.

That’s it! This ain’t some rocket science. 

How to steam broccoli on stove in 5 Simple Steps

These is the exact procedure, how I make my steamed broccoli for daily meals. I have break it down in 5 simple steps.

➔ First: Preparing the broccoli – Wash the vegetable properly and keep it aside to dry properly. Now cut the whole broccoli into equal size florets (one inch) for consistent cooking.

Second: Wash the Pot properly and dry it with paper towel. Now add sufficient water to the pot, for about 1-2 inches, ensuring it won’t touch colander inside it.

Third: Set up the pot on the stove. And place your steamer basket or colander inside it. Just don’t let the colander touch the water, otherwise it will boil your broccoli florets.

Fourth: Add the freshly cut and washed broccoli florets in the colander/steamer basket. Now, seal the pot with the lid.

Fifth and final step: Put the pot on stove. Bring the water to a high boil, and then simmer for 5-7 minutes, until the broccoli is fork-tender ready.

That’s it folks! Perfectly steamed broccoli ready in 10 minutes for the whole day.

Taking Steamed Broccoli to a next level.

Alright! Alright!

I know you might be thinking, what has come to your life, that you have eat these plain and boring steamed broccoli. That’s what I too thought off.

But here is the best part folks — You can self coustimized you steamed broccoli to your liking taste. Just do not make it too fancy to eat.

My take — Seasoning is key!

✔️ A simple sprinkle of salt and pepper is classic.

✔️ You can add pinch of Garlic powder, red pepper flakes, or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Oh man, this just can add a punch to the flavor. 

✔️ For a healthy boost, try light drizzle of olive oil.

Remember, steaming time matters. For crisp-tender broccoli, stick to 5 minutes; for softer, go a bit longer. And this method isn’t just for broccoli! Try it with carrots, green beans, or cauliflower. Leftovers? Store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Get creative and make it your own!

Conclusion – Taking Action

Congratulations, now you are a professional Broccoli cook 😂.

Yeah, joke aside. You have learned — how to steam broccoli on stove in 5 simple step. So, there you have it – perfectly steamed broccoli in just 5 simple steps.

We’ve covered prepping, steaming, and even some tasty variations.

Remember, steaming your vegetables is not only a simple process but it locks in the important nutrients, that you might loss during other cooking methods such as frying.

It’s a quick, healthy addition to any meal preparation course.

Now, I give you a simple task to give it a try! Do share and comment, how did your meal prep was, and what another punch did you add in your steamed broccoli recipe.

Check Out More Recipe Blogs Here –

CPT, BPES – Sports Science

Aashay Edwin Maghi is the Founder and Editor-In-Cheif of Health Vitality Trends. He is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) from K11 Fitness Academy based in India. 

Aashay has a Bachelors in Physical Education and Sports and CPT, AED & CPR certification and has work expereince working as a personal trainer for over 8 years.

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