By-health vitality trends
During male menopause, the decline in testosterone results in hormonal fluctuations. The hormonal shift affects energy levels leading to sudden fatigue and decreased stamina.
The decline in testosterone affects the metabolism power of male body. The slow metabolism results in accumulation of fat, particularly around the abdomen.
Low Libido results in decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and fatigue. This symptoms may occur in early age if one have an unhealthy and inactive life.
Fluctuation in neurotransmitters occurs due to imbalance in hormones. This results in irritation, anxiety and mood swings.
During male menopause, the body looses its capacity to retain muscle mass & strength, resulting in weakness and fatigue.
Sleep disturbance during male menopause may manifest as insomnia, night sweats, or frequent awakenings. This may affect overall sleep quality.
As men age, natural changes occurs in the eyes, such as reduced flexibility of the eye lenses and decreased production of tears. This result in dry eyes, presbyopia and poor eye sight.
With growing age, men after 50 show signs of low bone density. Symptom includes joint pains and fracture risks.