Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAS)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) results from reduced sunlight exposure in winter, causes mood changes, depression, and altered sleep patterns. 


Vitamin D Deficiency

Less sunlight in winter leads to vitamin D deficiency. It affects the bone health, immunity, and mood changes as well. Supplementing or sun exposure is essential. 


Weak Immune System

Sunlight plays a very important role in boosting the immune system. Lack of sunglight exposure make individuals more prone to illnesses during winter. 


Weight Gain

Less exposure of sunlight in winter may disrupt the circadian rhythms of human body. It affects the metabolism and lead to weight gain in some individuals. 


Risk of Osteoporosis

Insufficient amount of sunlight on winter decreases the vitamin D level in body. Vitamin D is very crucial for absorption of calcium. Low level of calcium can potentially raise the risk of osteoporosis in winter. 


Low Energy Levels

Sunlight helps to regulate serotonin levels in body, and its absence can lead to feelings of fatigue and low energy. 


Dsiturbed Sleep Pattern

Insufficient amount of sunlight exposure may disrupt circadian rhythms of human body. This affects the quality of sleep and duration which a personwas used to in general. 


Increased Pain Sensitivity

Lack sunlight expousure affects the balance of serotonin level in human body. The fluctuations of serotonin levels can lead to increased pain sensitivity during winter months. 


Impared Cognitive Function

Studies have suggest that limited exposure to sunlight may affect the cognitive performance of human brain. It can also increase the risk of cognitive impairment leading to mood and mental disorder. 


Reduced Melatonin Production

Minimum sunlight exposure in winter leads to lower melatonin production in body. It disrupts the sleep-wake cycles and potentially causing sleep-related issue. 
