Human body needs protein to build and repair muscles and bones, and to make hormones and enzymes. Protein sources such as eggs, meat and chicken have very high protein biological value. Whereas protein available in plant based diet have very low value.


Vegan Diet naturally lacks in Iodine. The inadequate intake of Iodine may affect the heart kidney, liver, maintenance of muscles and the development of brain. Deficiency of Iodine may lead to Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD).


Due to insufficient amount of B12, this deficiency can cause memory issues, depression, numbness and tingling in hands and feet. Deficiency of B12 can also cause pernicious anemia.


Plant based food source do not contain proper quantity of Vitamin D. This deficiency may prevent growth in children, as well as weakness in bones, instant fatigue and muscle pain. The solution is to add Vitamin supplements in your diet or to get sun bath for 10 minutes daily.


Vegetarian Diet and Non-Vegetarian Diet might give similar benefits of omega-3, but according to suggestion made by doctors, Fish Oil supplements may be more beneficial due to its higher EPA and DHA content value.


Vegetarian Diet is very helpful for people who do not want to include any type of meat in their diet. But this cause imbalance of nutrients in their eating order due to which they suffer from calorie deficiency and lower levels of saturated fats and cholesterol.


Consuming only vegan diet may cause the higher intake of fibers. Higher amount of indigestible pants fibers in diet, unlike protein or carbohydrates will make people suffer from bloating, gas and serious stomach cramps.


Only eating vegan food, makes an individual deficient in calcium. Vegan who avoid dairy products have higher risk of bone fracture, spasms and muscles cramps.
