8 natural remedies to manage PCOS acne



Also known as, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a common health issue among young women related to hormonal disorder in reproductive age.  Irregular Periods, Acne, Hair Loss, Mood Swings, difficulty in getting pregnant. These are some of the symptoms of PCOS in young women.

What Is PCOS ?


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#1 turmeric

Focus on whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit processed sugars and refined carbohydrates to help manage insulin resistance 


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#2 aloe vera


Apply pure aloe-vera gel to acne affected skin. This will help to reduce the irritation and inflammation.

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#3 apple cider vinegar


Mix 3 table-spoons of apple cider vinegar in water and apply it on affected skink. It heals the leftover scars from acne's.

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#4 omega-3 fatty acids


Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, to help reduce inflammation and improve acne symptoms. 

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#5 probiotics rich foods


Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or take probiotic supplements to promote gut health, which may indirectly improve skin health. 

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#6 green tea


Apply cooled green tea to the skin or drink it regularly to benefit from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

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#7 zinc supplement


Consider taking zinc supplements, as they may help regulate hormones and reduce acne severity in some individuals with PCOS. 

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#8 tree oil


Apply diluted tea tree oil directly to acne-prone areas to reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria